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Bedside Table

"I believe in growth."


Danielle is a firm believer that Life is a journey filled with lessons that we must learn in order to become who we were created to be. Daily Becoming (formerly Affirm U) is a very personal undertaking for Danielle as she can relate and identify with the day-to-day balancing act that Women face. It is her faith in Christ that offers her the daily push that she needs to become the working Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, and Friend that the people in her sphere of influence need her to be. It is this same faith that pushes her to serve as a source of motivation for Women just like her. 


In 2018 Danielle began blogging with her sisters, the Ford Girls.  Realizing the need for more representation, Danielle created Affirm U, a faith-based learning community in September of 2020. While navigating this endeavor she was able to gain more clarity around the role that she needed to play in an effort to consistently reach members of the community right where they are. Through Daily Becoming she hopes to create a Empowerment community for Women to learn, grow,  and BECOME all that God has created us to be together. 


Who inspires you the most?

I am fortunate to be surrounded by inspirational people and specifically Women like my Mom and my sisters but I would say my daughter. I want her to be proud of her mom. I know that she is watching so I want to be an example of what Faith in God, hard work, and kindness looks like on a daily basis. 

What’s your favorite quote?

“When a job is first begun, never quit it til it’s done. Be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all -Author Unknown


On a personal note my dad would say this all the time and it would drive me nuts but I can say that I get it now!

If you could be anything in the world, what would it be?

I had dreams of becoming an Attorney. God had other plans obviously and while my day job as a School Administrator can be challenging, I know that I am making a difference in the lives of the next generation.

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What is your superpower?

My tenacity. I’m going to find a way to make things happen!

What would those closest to you say about you?

That’s a great question! I hope they will say that I’m consistent. What you see is what you get. I go hard for those that I love. I’m a good listener and a fairly decent problem solver. I have a sarcastic yet funny sense of humor. I don’t give up easily and I genuinely want to see everyone win. Most importantly I hope that they say that I always acknowledge where my blessings come from, salvation in Jesus Christ

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